From an LCG source:
Rod McNair wrote the following in this week's LCG Weekly Update:
We are to use language to give grace and life, as words that are “seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6). We are to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted” (Ephesians 4:32), not quarrelsome. Thank God we are learning a different way—a way that strengthens and builds up, that imparts “grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). As we gather to worship God this Sabbath, let us make sure we are giving the gift of gracious language! Have a peaceful Sabbath,Rod McNair
What a load coming from a man who's renowned for tearing others down to exalt himself! The depravity of Rod McNair's character is matched only by his evil master, Rod Mereidth.
McNair came to LCG HQ's around 2007 but he has quickly risen in power because old Spanky can really respect how well McNair uses his power to abuse the members. McNair has become Chief of the Gestapo and is willing to interrogate and accuse anyone who dare question ministerial authority, doctrinal upgrades and/or other "loose bricks". He's also the keeper of the not-so-secret member files wherein he keeps spy information on tithing records, Facebook posts, private Bible study attendance, and possible involvement with deemed "trouble makers" (aka people who aren't drinking enough Kool-Aid), etc. Nothing will earn Meredith's respect faster than a spy who isn't afraid to bully members into submission, even if that means bending the truth to serve his purpose.
I only hope McNair realizes how full of doo doo he is. It would really be pathetic if McNair believed in his heart that he was "kind and tenderhearted, not quarrelsome".
Although, self awareness is often grossly lacking in LCG ministry who feel they have been chosen by God to act as intercessors. Poor confused little men.