The Chief Pharisee of the Church of God continues to sit in his living room unemployed, on the dole from the Canadian government and supporters, pumping out endless deluded reinterpretations of scripture and making occasional prophetic utterances.
The Church of God's are so evil that his god is getting highly pissed and is ready to blot off the face of the earth the Saturday restaurant eaters and TV watchers.
James Malm's latest false prophecy is this:
...there will be 2300 days [years] until the sanctuary is cleansed and the destruction of the final seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire of Babylon as described in Dan 2, Dan 7.At a day for a year this 2300 days shall be 2300 years. Provided the Calendar data is correct the highly probable year of the coming of Christ and the cleansing of the sanctuary is: Coming forward 2300 years from 280 BC and adding 1 for year zero, arrives at spring 2021 AD, when the sanctuary shall be cleansed by the coming of Jesus Christ.Now subtracting 42 months (1260 days) shows that this final beast emperor will occupy Jerusalem, beginning at the end of 2017.Given the historical difficulties of the Greek struggles it is possible that this date might be in error by a year or two, but one thing is certain; IT IS VERY CLOSE INDEED!
Very close indeed....Yeah right. These COG false prophets have been predicting this malarkey for 80 some years now
Britain is highly likely to leave the EU, but exactly how long that process takes is unclear; and certain other countries are likely to follow, creating a crisis in the EU and opening the way for the setting up of the miracle working deceiver in the Vatican in late 2017, who will immediately call for and bring about the rise of a New Europe; the seventh revival of the Scarlet Beast of the Holy Roman Empire. This man of sin will then go to the Holy Place [Temple Mount] 75 days after being set up in the Vatican and the great tribulation of Mat 24:15 will begin. Along with this is the coming defeat of radical Islam and a move towards a Mideast peace deal 1 Thess 5:3.These events are right in line with a date of late 2017 for the start of the tribulation; followed by the coming of Messiah 42 months later; in 2021 AD!
Brethren, the writing is on the wall!