Those fun loving folk over at Living Church of God have come up with one of the most pathetic videos I have ever seen that is supposed to impress the public so much that they might want to join the Living Church of God. Of course this is ONLY if God is calling them to the LCG because no one in their right mind would ever join it otherwise. It's quit obvious that none of the hundreds of splinter groups have ever been able to produce anything of the highest quality like the old Worldwide Church of God did.
Would someone PLEASE give Rod McNair a day job and get him out of the limelight! Pathetically bad! Just wait till you get to Mario Hernandez towards the end. That self serving arrogant fool is still as pompous as he was when he was a student in Pasadena. I feel sorry for any of the Spanish speaking brethren that have to listen to this guy.
This video will NOT attract new members that will want to come with their wallets open. Smearing Christians as pagan worshiping satanists thought out the video is not going to bring any sincere Christians into Meredith's dwindling empire.
My LCG source had this to say:
LCG has produced a new video that will be sent to GOTOs (people interested in the church). Someone should reverse engineer the video from a writing perspective. i.e. RCM isn't in the video, multiple bosses are featured but not named. Notice at the 16 second mark a minister has to tell RCM that it's time to wave at the camera, and RCM seems confused and say, "Oh!"
Maybe someone could play name that boss.
At the 10:06 Rod McNair says, "If God is calling you, you can experience this too." Between the lines he's saying "If God isn't calling you, then never mind, you're going into the Great Tribulation and we'll see ya' in the second resurrection".