The non-ordained self-appointed false prophet was none too happy when he read on here Friday afternoon that Doug Winnail slapped him really good the other day.
Thiel writes:
05/03/13 p.m.It has been reported that LCG's Dr. D. Winnail sent out the following and, supposedly, that certain negative aspects of this writing were intended to be directed towards me and the Continuing Church of God (CCOG):
Irrespective of who might have been meant (and since CCOG has the biggest known work of a group that has such a high percentage of "stay-at-home" people, it is not unreasonable to consider that CCOG was a group this was targeted towards),
The biggest "work" of-stay-at home members??????????? Bob, Bob, Bob, your delusions of grandeur are getting the best of you. You have no work. You have the worst videos in the ENTIRE history of the Church of God. You have become a laughing stock on YouTube. Most of the viewers you are receiving are being directed there by this blog. You could at least thank me for that!
The non-ordained false prophet has to resorts to a typical HWA comparison:
Like CCOG, the late Herbert W. Armstrong also started out with very few actual congregations, but mainly had a "stay-at-home" church that was served through the technology of the time (that is part of why he called it the Radio Church of God). He had the faith to believe and do the work anyway, despite CG7 being much larger than his group at the time. Surely, various ones have not forgotten that aspect and pattern of COG history.
Now, in the 21st century, I have tried to demonstrate a similar pattern to those with ears to hear (Matthew 11:15; 13:8-9)--we in the CCOG have already demonstrated sufficient magnitude to get the gospel to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14). We are having significant impact on this God-given mission.If you really think you are having a big impact with YouTube media in the 21st century you really are bonkers.
Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that the Continuing Church of God has reached millions of people in over 210 countries and territories in the past four months through the internet, radio, personal contact, and the written word.Bob, once again you are using visions of grandeur to cloud your thinking. Just because people from 210 countries have clicked on your site does not mean you have made a witness to them. This blog has reached 200 countries around the world. It is an easy thing to do. Do I think I have reached multiple millions of pople as a result? Not at all. No more than you have.
Then Bob slaps Doug back with a zinger:
Apparently LCG has no integrity as a church nor do the men who are in charge. Then the visions of grandeur take over and again and Thiel thinks he is doing the final phase of the work.
Integrity counts (see also Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God), and I believe that integrity, love, and faith are more important than current size (though I expect, over time, major changes in size of CCOG). It appears that it will be the Continuing Church of God that will lead the final phase of the work, and that this leading has already begun.