From a reader:
Comment was made that: " it any wonder why "new" visitors and members do not remain as UCG members?..."That sounds like lots of "turn over!" In 1998, there was a sermon given on God's Government where "turn over" for United was anticipated and why it would occur. FWIIW, here is a partial transcript of that sermon given about 17 years ago:
"...Then, you look at UNITED! Now, I’m sure I’m going to offend a lot of people who will hear these taped sermons later out there, but this is a real mess! None of these men were even considered to be chosen by Mr. Armstrong; were they? None of them were, but they all voted themselves in anyway; didn’t they? Now, that’s not such of a firm foundation to have when you have to vote yourself into office.
Where was God?
Oh, they may say that: “Well, look at the Apostles! They cast lots.”
Yes, but they were already Apostles!
You guys weren’t even that. None of you were the leaders. You really weren’t, and GLOBAL was already going at the time. They were already following what you knew and perceived to be right, but do you see? All of these ministers who went with UNITED: they never liked being under authority and they wanted their say-so. They wanted their opinions to be heard, so they all joined in one big mass.
Now, why start a church like that? You already have one going that was doing the same thing that Mr. Armstrong was trying to do, but they didn’t want to be under authority.
I look at this as: “This is the ‘Boys’ Club!’ We’re going to do it our way,” and they’re not going to give up that RULE. Now they all think that they have the authority and that’s really a shame.
What’s their first agenda? “We’re going to pay ourselves very well!”...
...Well, one of the first things that they want to set up is, of course, their retirement fund...
...When they got together their attitude was: “We will vote ourselves to happiness! Every time we don’t like something, we’ll just take another vote! We’ll vote it our way again, and if we don’t like the other guy: we’ll vote him out!” ...
...So, they can’t even agree on how to spend the money, and where to have their office and who the president should be. They’re all out there politicking to get into position so they can be the president and the same thing will happen to them. You’ll have this: turnover, turnover and turnover! Why?...
...Because God never placed anyone in charge!... ...Do you know? They preach some of the truth, some that was revealed to the past servant, Mr. Armstrong, but nothing has been revealed to them! Nothing has been revealed to GLOBAL. Nothing’s been revealed to any of them. They’re stuck in a rut!..."
Of course, where is GLOBAL today? It is virtually non-existent. Where is the United Ass. going? What's been revealed to them? It appears United also will end up in the same condition as GLOBAL before too long.