This in from a Charlotte member:
During his sermon, Winnail listed signs that a church is not fulfilling its mission properly, One sign was "spending money on changing the color of its carpets." LCG insiders will instantly recognize Winnail's reference, since Jim Meredith spent tens of thousands of dollars putting new carpet all over LCG headquarters even though the old carpet was fine.
But Winnail's sermon wasn't an attack against Meredith. It can't be. LCG is more unified than ever. Rod has said so.
Alas, Lil Jimmy was not in town to hear the little dig at his expense. Lil' Jimmy is in Hawaii staying at his expensive resort hotel negotiating LCG's Hawaii feast site. Only the best for the Emperors child! Why worry, it is at tithe payers expense. Besides, since he entire LCG is so incredibly unified every single LCG members thinks that Lil'Jimmy deserves to be in Hawaii at their expense. His is the holy offspring of the sinless Leader after all.