What contributed to his obsession? Was it a trauma in childhood? Overly strict parents? Health education in high school? Stolen glances at porn? Something has pushed Meredith off the deep end when it comes to sex.
Back in 2007 Gavin Rumney had a little ditty about Meredith on the Ambassador Watch on how disgusted Meredith was with his mother concerning how she forced him into borderline "sexual immorality" when she made him dance with a girl. He was 12 years old and repulsed at the idea of touching a female.
Violence against women is a serious issue, and it's good to see Presiding Evangelist Meredith addressing it, however hamfistedly, in a TW editorial. But what does one make of this little tirade?"Even back in the 1940s, my mother and her friends - no doubt like millions of mothers all across the United States - had pushed me and dozens of my classmates to attend "dancing school" - where we were taught to dance face to face and chest to chest with young girls barely entering puberty. We were just little children who wanted to play baseball and "kick the can." God does not forbid dancing, of course, but He does command us to "flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18). Why did our mothers push us into the kind of semi-romantic, semi-sexual behavior involved in that kind of dancing when we were only twelve years old?"
Uh..."We were so embarrassed at holding these girls in our arms that we simply took off running - not knowing what else to do with ourselves. It would be several years before we were truly ready for such "romantic" involvements even in an innocent way. Why were our mothers pressuring us into this kind of precocious behavior?"
Rod's childhood was traumatised by dancing lessons at age twelve? Rod - now a septuagenarian - still has unresolved issues with his mother?
As they say, "who'd have thunk it?"