God's only true end time work carrying the ONLY true message to the deceived and lost brethren of the Churches of God is suffering major financial issues. In spite of being the only man on the entire earth giving the TRUE warning message and CORRECT biblical interpretations, no one is sending him money to support his work. Because he spends every waking hour of every day writing his theologically bankrupt bullshit he has no time to get a real job, thus he has to rely on handouts from gullible followers. He has even resorted to publishing his "understandings" in book form for people to read. Apparently hardly anyone one is buying James Malm's book.
By the beginning of May some major expenses are coming up; not the least of which is the renewal costs of our web hosting dedicated server. At the same time the income for the past months has been well below our basic needs and our debts are piling up.
As events are being fulfilled we are facing a financial wall.I want to explain that the books are not being published to make money and I expect a royalty cheque in the neighborhood of only around $100 sometime in May. Most of the price is taken up with production costs, and the numbers sold are very low at this time. Everything in the books; has been, is, or will be, published at the sites. The purpose of publishing the books is:
The Chief Pharisee then resorts to a typical COG avenue stream. Let the sheeple use tithe money to buy the books.1. To make available as comprehensive a resource as possible on any subject, to save people from having to search through many different posts for information on the same subject.
Even though the book is made available tot eh public no one is buying it. No one cares. His topics have no relevance in the 21st century on how to live a life in this confusing world. Like UCG, LCG, RCG, COGWA, etc., the focus is on out dated literature and understandings of Herbert Armstrong dreamed up in the 1930's.2. To provide a personal written copy for easy immediate access.Please visit the Books page for links to CreateSpace. And as these books are solid biblical sound doctrine or prophecy, it is absolutely appropriate to use tithe money to purchase them.
Just to reenforce the martyrdom status of the writer, he mentions how much he has had to work and struggle to get this vital information out to them. Its all an act of charity and good will in order to save souls from eternal damnation. So buy my damn books and send me money!3. To make the material available to the general public who are suspicious of “free” offers.The books are now available on Kindle. This is intended for the general public as I would like the brethren to have a personal printed copy.
When simple persuasion does not work, its time to bring in looming death and destruction from war and violence. That will scare the crap out of the sheeple and cause them to send in money!These books have cost countless hours of hard work and like this blog, are not a money making enterprise.
Now is the time for the true believers to step forward, with check books in hand, to support this mighty work!Right now as events are unfolding towards a Mideast peace push beginning after the UN General Assembly meetings in late September; the high probability of a peace and safety deal triggering the tribulation is fast approaching, 2 Thess 5:3.
Make no mistake; Almighty God will complete his warnings before he acts!
Right now we all have an opportunity to show God how dedicated and supportive we are.
While thousands of brethren regularly visit us and are receiving a solid warning; only a very small number actually provide any support, and many of them have suffered to help: May Almighty God bless them greatly and crown them with glory in the world to come!
Please support this work of warning with your payers; and remember that your generous financial help is urgently needed.