Those fun loving folk at the Philadelphia Church of God cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma are weighing in again on sex - an ongoing favorite topic of Armstrongism. This time Joel Hilliker is not happy with the Fifty Shades of Grey movie and books. The outward face that the personality cult tries portrays is one of extreme chastity, virginity and all things biblical. All one has to do is join various Facebook groups and you will quickly see that the Edmond compound is one big mess of adulterous and/or fornicating energized bunnies.
As usual with anything PCG publishes there is an immediate deluge of clap happy seals that jump on with praises and accolades for the godly information they had just read.
Redfox has this up on his blog from one of those readers:
There are also comments posted by people who seem to take this article seriously. Here is one of them.I remember reading harlequin romances… these were just the start of wrongful thinking… being dissatisfied, thinking that this type of fantasy was what one should want.
Fifty Shades of Grey is what those type of novels lead to. Satan works on us a little at a time to twist our thinking.
Thank God that He opens our minds, shows us what wrongful thinking is, how to avoid it and that He will heal our minds if we yield to Him and put forth our best effort.This comment got twelve likes.