I love reading comments by those deeply entrenched in legalism. When a mind is mired in legalistic bullshit it pictures normally dressed women in church into the picture to the left. There are some in Armstrongism that would still prefer that women be dressed in potato sacks, prairie skirts or burka's.
I saw this “turning the head to sin” first-hand, in our “former affliation” with one of the COG’S. One of the “Deaconesses” dressed very suggestively, by showing cleavage & skirts/dresses, half-way to her thighs. Her example spread to a large number of the ladies in that congregation. I even heard one conversation, where one of the ladies said to this “Deaconess”, “OH, I didn’t know we could wear that (Patterned Hosiery”, (which are considered “sexy” & tend to draw men’s attention to a woman’s legs”) to Church”! Next Sabbath, that lady was wearing the same, besides many others “caught on”. I talked privately to the Pastor’s wife, regarding these problems being addressed by her husband. Her answer was “He is not a confrontational minister”. Thus, the problems spread.The comments by D ring very true to what I’ve seen happening in recent years amongst the women. The more of the world women dress, the more they are encouraged by peer popularity to dress like that. Sabbath services have become a fashion show for some. Not only showing off their latest expensive outfit but also showing off their bodies. Ive witnessed open mockery by women on other women who aren’t dressed as they are, or who aren’t as thin as they are. It’s outrageous and is actually getting worse. The ministry tolerate and turn a blind eye.