Elijah Passover Pack attempts to drag up every excuse imaginable in justifying why he is a prophet. It kinds of reminds me of the asinine excuses that Bob Thiel comes up with to justify his prophet status. There are so many COG prophets running around now that it is hard to know who to follow.
101: Because we never saw that God foretold a modern Moses, including that Mr. Armstrong fulfilled this, man could not see both Moses and Elijah as types of the two witnesses instead of being the two witnesses. Now I'm coming back to certain things for emphasis. Their similar level and kinds of great miracles then force Moses further into the discussion as the modern leader who preceded Elijah. That anciently both were prophets who were central in their time only enhances this. The first Elijah, John the Baptist, was more than a prophet; the two witnesses are prophets. All should have today been looking for one who again, as Elijah, is more than a prophet. Do you see the point? If the two witnesses are prophets, John the Baptist was a type of Elijah and he was more than a prophet, we should have been looking for one again at the end of the age in type who was more than a prophet, not a prophet.That's the point, okay. You can think about it.