One of the crazier splinter cults of Armstrongism is another California based group called The Church of God Faithful Flock, lead by Alton Billingsley.
According to Billingsley, Herbert Armstrong reappeared on earth - though still dead - in 2006 when Billingsley had old radio programs added to his web site. There is little talk about Jesus on the COGFF site but countless things about HWA. Even their opening page has Herbert Armstrong plastered all over it. No Jesus, no cross, no grace, no new covenant, just Herbert Armstrong. The idolatry is on par with Gerald Flurry's addiction.
Alton Billingsly
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong died January 16, 1986. And with his death, Christ placed a hold on the preaching of the Gospel at that particular time for He would not use an apostate who replaced him to continue with it. In 2006, Mr. Armstrong reappeared, though dead, via of his Restored Works—with the last ditch-warning 20 years, 2 X 10, after his death by the use of websites made possible by satellites.