With Gerald Flurry's recent announcement that the Philadelphia Church of God had bought a property in England to start a college, many COG members are wondering why and how. This seems to particularly gall some of the LCG members. They wonder why he can do such a thing when he is NOT the true church and is preaching false doctrines. Only the Living Church of God has the truth but cannot afford to do such a thing.
What is significant of note is that "Papa Bear" seems to really believe deep down that Flurry is a minister of truth. That has been the problem of the splinter personalty cults of Armstrongism for decades. None of them have the guts to speak out and condemn other COG's for being heretical. They all think they are "brothers" on a similar journey and will eventually end up in the same place. Petra certainly is going to be one contentious place to be when all of these groups converge thinking they were going to be the only ones there.
From the LCG Facebook page. Names have been changed to protect the guilty
Papa Bear: Where is PCG getting $7 million from to purchase such property? Any property for that matter? LCG could do this too, but that money is better used elsewhere - like actually doing a worldwide proclamation of the true Gospel while we have the time and opportunity to do so. https://www.pcog.org/article/884/pcg-gains-new-campus-in-britainCowboy: A project to vanity?November 14 at 11:12am · Like · 4
Love Nugget: Nice Vacation Get A Way for the higher ups.November 14 at 11:30am · Like · 3
Smoochie Poo: good for them, beautiful propertyNovember 14 at 5:42pm · Like
Ms. Sugar Babe: They are trying to duplicate everything that Mr. Armstrong did.November 14 at 6:31pm · Like · 1
Captain Canoodle: Not a word of Thanks. Gods not even a passing thought.November 14 at 6:46pm · Like
Precious Princess: Preach the Gosple, not build a compound.November 14 at 7:15pm · Like
Tuff Stuff: WCG had plenty of property back in the day.November 15 at 4:40pm · Like
Love Nugget: Yes Tuff Stuff, they did and look who has it now and it has also gone the way of all material things. Back to rubble. The new owners of the property tore down the administration halls so they can build condos.November 15 at 5:24pm · Like
Cowboy: PCG is not doing the Work - is not carrying out the seven fold mission!November 15 at 5:27pm · Like · 1
Tuff Stuff: I don't know if there is one true church anymore, I was a WCG member for several years. I do read "The Trumpet" and I haven't found anything in it that seems wrong.November 15 at 8:19pm · Like
Love Nugget: Tuff Stuff, like Cowboy mentioned...The "Work" seek God to find out who is actually doing The Work....also known as "the Ezekiel warning" that the Church, Jesus Christ raised up and gave the commission to do until the end. There is one out there but one must be seeking God to find out where it is.November 15 at 11:12pm · Like
Ms. Sugar Babe: Tuff Stuff Their literature is riddled with error. For example: Mr. Flurry claims the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15 is him. That scripture refers to Christ, not to any human being. If you read their booklets you will find a ton of error. On the subject of one true church, there is a sermon by Mr. Lambert Greer--"The Body of Christ" that addresses the subject. No one claims that there aren't true Christians in more than one group. But is God directly working through every group? Read Ephesians 4. Things today are no different than they were when HWA was alive. Back then we understood that there was one body. The parts of a body work together, not at cross purposes. I hope you will find Mr. Greer's sermon and listen to it. If you can't find it on the website, I'm sure your minister has a copy.November 15 at 11:27pm · Like
Ms. Sugar Babe: With regard to buildings--much of the property acquired by HWA was either given to the church (by the Hammer family) or bought for very little money. When the auditorium was built, the church was a lot bigger than it is today. This is a different time. None of the COG's have the numbers or the money to do what Mr. Armstrong did. Time is short. The work of preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning take priority now. We've learned to do things in a more economical manner. Technology has made some of that possible. Mr. Armstrong built a foundation that we are building on now.November 15 at 11:37pm · Like