Just when you thought EW King couldn't get any crazier......
wattsupwiththat.com/…/climate-craziness-of-the-we…– …jumper was “concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing” and ….. Sounding more and more like the Fence jumping, White House door …Watts Up With That?
___________________________Was white house wall jumper trying to bring President a SOCT message of “The Shift” which talks about the possibility of the atmosphere collapsing?“It could happen now at any moment…and your government knows it! What could happen?The greatest shift of the ages! In fact, it has already started. This planet is ready to go at any moment. The earth’s ozone is collapsingand may fold in on itself at any moment. Your scientists have known this since the early 80’s.” ~E.W. King
This is the message that King thinks the fence jumper was taking to the POTUS:
The Zerubian Myth, page 125