Daniel Samson, reportedly a Worldwide Church of God minister, has written a book about God and evolution.
Amazon has this to say about him:
Red flags go up when I see all glowing reviews of his books. Far too many COG folk have padded their book ratings by having church members get on and give them high ratings. The Philadelphia Church of God and Restored Church of God are experts in this. They also complain to Amazon when people leave negative comments and have them removed.
One reviewer writes:
Someone who actually believes the Bible and the facts of Evolution should write a book explaining how you can believe both. I, for one, do. This author starts out promising that he wants to extend an olive branch to his "fellow fundamentalists". But he calls us incipient Osama Bin Ladens; he has a funny concept of olive branches.
See the book here:
God and Evolution? - The Implications of Darwin's Theory for Fundamentalism, the Bible and the Meaning of Life