Bitter Bob's future HQ
Bitter Bob is gearing up to be in Petra all by himself, or at least get there first and get the prime caves or the hotel rooms outside the entrance. Bitter Bob says both LCG and COGWA are too dumb to figure things out to the extent he has.
COGWA’s contention that Daniel 11:39 was fulfilled thousands of years ago is inconsistent with the view contention that the verses of Daniel 11:35-39 have future fulfillment–which they do.
The chapter that COGWA refers to as the most detailed prophecy in the Bible is essentially admits it does not understand the details of it. Statements such as “offers a challenge in interpretation” suggest, to me at least, that COGWA has disagreement about how to interpret the statements or simply does not know. Most likely it is both.
Also, notice this explanation related to Daniel 9:27:So the phrase “he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week” refers to the Messiah. (Henson D. 70 Weeks of Daniel: What Does the Prophecy Mean? viewed 06/03/14)The above is in error. Verse 27 refers to the prince who is the one who will become the King of the North in Daniel 11. More details on Daniel 9:27 can be found in the article The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27.
Because COGWA does not understand a lot of the details in Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11, it will not know when the time to flee that Jesus discussed in Matthew 24 will be.
People who do not know what to expect will not know what to watch out for nor realize when the Great Tribulation will start until it is too late. And this is not simply limited to those associated with COGWA.