Cal Culpepper is one of Gerald Flurry's storm troopers that has wrecked havoc every where they have been assigned. His previous assignment in Buffalo, NY wrecked havoc on that congregation.He and his wife are intensely disliked by many in PCG who are afraid of them and afraid to speak out against them.
Culpepper had his issues when he was in Pasadena as a student. He thought he was God's gift to the church and the women on campus. He worked in the Auditorium for several years and was found to be condescending and elitist to many who worked with him.
Exit and Support has this letter about him:
May 5, 2014
The Elizabethtown PCG has been eliminated due to declining membership and Culpepper casting out members and their families. The congregation did not have enough tithe paying members attending to "justify the expense" of a church area. What is left of the members in Kentucky have to now drive to various PCG congregations including the Indiana one (4-5 hours one way) and the Ohio one (3-4 hours one way). [See Feb. 17 letter above: "More Control and Hypocrisy in PCG." --Anonymous
Previous PCG run ins with Culpepper are documented here: Control and Abuse By Cal Culpepper
I knew most of the members from the Buffalo, NY congregation. There is a dear elderly widow, formerly of that congregation who was treated horribly by the so called ministry, under the direction of Cal (Diotrophes) Culpepper, then kicked to the curb and cut off from all of the members there, except for me and my husband. I was not about to abandon her, and shame on those who did! How dare Calvin Culpepper and Aaron Eagle1 treat her the way they did! She is so thankful that we didn't cut her off while we were still in the Philadelphia Church of God. She was so depressed and distraught over all that happened to her. It just sickens me!
That is just one small example of the control and abuse in PCG, especially by Cal Culpepper (Regional Director of Northeast U.S). He has a very long list of victims, from the Southeastern U.S, to the Northeast and the Midwest. I was very fooled by him when he first came to the Northeast. He appeared so righteous, at first. But as time went on, God revealed to us many things about him that most members are blind to. The self-righteousness, pride, vanity, lack of agape love, mercy and compassion of this man became very apparent. The way he mocked and smirked when I answered him with things straight for the Word of God helped us to see that he didn't know the Scriptures very well because he didn't recognize these things. He would assume, jump to conclusions and falsely accuse, and when you answered him with the truth, he still insisted that what he thought was true! It was mind-blowing to us! Why we didn't stand up to him more strongly and allowed him to persecute and abuse us for 3 1/2 years is now beyond me.2
Did you know that every word that proceeds from Culpeppers mouth comes directly from Jesus Christ?
We had swallowed the whole "this is church government" garbage. Gerald Flurry and Cal Culpepper both claim that every word out of their mouth comes directly from Jesus Christ.3That is not true of any man! Jesus Christ does not lie or falsely accuse, so there is no way that is true! These men have deceived the members into believing that they have to obey their every word. They are looking to men rather than God! These men are not the Master Potter. We belong to God, He knows those who are His and no one can snatch them out of His hand. [John 10:28] Control and Abuse by Cal Culpepper
There was a woman in the DC congregation that had cancer. She wasn't well at all and had missed about 3 or 4 Sabbath services. The minister called her(he knew already that she was sick with cancer; in fact he had anointed her) to talk about her missing services. She told him she was feeling a little better and would come the following Sabbath. He told her the only way she could return was if he and Cal Culpepper came and counseled with her because she had missed so many services. Well they arrived about two months later. She died within the same week they visited. PCG Is A Sick System!
Three PCG families forced to get rid of their teenage children because of Culpepper's edicts.
Three PCG families were forced to give up their minor aged, unbaptized children under the direct orders of Cal Culpepper. The information on his forcing members to give up their 15 and 16 year old teens is accurate because I spoke to these people first hand. Abuses I Was Aware of in Philadelphia Church of God
God's most perfect minister and his wife cut off contact with her family because they are members of UCG.
Tammy Culpepper cut off her elderly parents (whom I think were in United Church of God) per Flurry's orders. Then when her father died, their family flew to Oklahoma to show everyone how righteous and wonderful they were. Culpepper had the nerve to stand there at Sabbath services and tell us how one man told him what a beautiful family he has, with so much pride it wasn't funny! Did he really think people thought he and Tammy were righteous for not honoring her parents, not having love and just showing up after her father's death?? That is how the PCG is. Cut off your family and show up looking so righteous and see what inheritance belongs to you when they die. This way Flurry gets more money.
While the deluded citizens of Edmond heap praises on Flurry and his mini-me auditorium his ministers are making life a living hell for PCG's members.