Photo of the number of sinless people in the Philadelphia Church of God.
Taken the day after Passover 2014 services.
The Philadelphia Church of God (Flurryism) loves to throw around a verse out of Timothy that it is entirely possible to be sinless in this life time. This is particularly shocking considering that the PCG has to be the most hypocritical and sinful COG's ever to exist. The Philadelphia Church of God has been mired in controversy and sin since the day of its inceptions. Drunken leaders, pedophiles, thieves, plagiarists, and liars make up so much of the PCG hierarchy. Broken families, suicides, child/elder abuse and other grievous practices continue to rain down on PCG members while the hierarchy live in their sin-free bubble.
Yet, in spite of the filth that consumes the PCG, it claims at least in print, that it is entirely possible to be sinless in this life time. Recently, some former members apparently told a PCG insider that it was impossible for this to happen.
PCG was aghast and quickly pointed out that these spiritually degenerate people had destroyed their character for believing otherwise.
Recently, two individuals told me, It is impossible to come out of sin. They both denied the power, Word and authority of their Creator, with whom “all things are possible” (2 Timothy 3:5).
Tragically, these baptized individuals once observed the memorial of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread in God’s Church. But now their conduct is destroying their character and revealing a worldly form of godliness that also blatantly denies God’s all-conquering power. For such we pray for a full and speedy repentance(Revelation 3:14-22).Unleavened Bread, Remove, Replace, Rejoice