FEAST OF TABERNACLES: TheShiningLight is sponsoring a Feast of Tabernacles site in the beautiful Rogue River region near Medford Oregon.In order to attend his new cult Feast site you must prove yourself worthy to stand in his presence. Only the best law keepers will be allowed. All of you pagan, heretical, apostates that are intoThis year the Feast of Tabernacles begins on Sunday 22 September and the Eighth Day is on Sunday 29 Sept. Because the Feast begins on a Sunday, we will be set up on Friday evening 20 Sept, for the Sabbath.
Sacred Names are PROHIBITED from attending.
There will be no guest speakers at this Feast site. Only God's most important madman since Dave Pack will be speaking. You can expect one sermon after another on the law. It will be "law" 24/8. There will be no wimpy shallow sermons about "love" orThis site is reserved for those who have proved the doctrine at this site to their personal satisfaction and are solidly on board. Sacred Names people and others who want to attend only to push heresies will NOT BE TOLERATED.
You will be subjected from early morning to late afternoon or evening to sermons about the law. There will be a few occasion where you will be allowed to sleep and to meet your like minded believers. You will be told what to do, what to believe, how to believe it, and more importantly what you CANNOT do! All of you COG revelers looking for a boozy Feast site had better look elsewhere.I will be present personally at this site regardless of whether there are ten or a thousand persons coming. At this time the site is at the beginning stage; but is open to expansion. This site is expected to be a smaller large extended family reunion size site; but may be expanded. Anyone who expects a large mass of people, shallow sermons and plenty of outside activities will be disappointed.
The apostate apostle is only interested in like minded law keepers in his presence. If you intend to eat at a restaurant on a high day or sabbath be prepared to be immediately rebuked and banished.The site will feature very strong meat of doctrine, and an occasion for extensive fellowshipping between solidly committed like minded believers. This will not be a tourist holiday or a feast of booze; it will be a Feast at the table of the Lord.
We are not interested in numbers; we ARE interested in spiritually minded people.There will be extensive scriptural studies, Q&As and fellowship, based on sharing the scriptures, discussing the studies and sharing personal experiences and wisdom.This Feast of Tabernacles site is now Official.Persons interested in attending should email me at jddm3@hotmail.com and I will put them on a Feast Newsletter list which will be sent out as information becomes available
Doesn't this sound like the most incredibly exciting Feast site you have ever heard of! It makes me want to start packing my car for the trip up there! Maybe I will go and give a first hand report on how perfect everyone is.