Jeremy, Audra, Laura, Felonious, and Convictus
Since Ron has been languishing in Club Fed as a felon over the last year, he has had to send out his wife Laura, his divorced daughter Audra and a couple other women to keep the rapidly dwindling sheeple in line. The more Laura and Audra speak the more that leave. On Mike's False Prophet Ronald Weinland: Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets there was this comment by one of Ron Weinlands's ex-elders.
Regarding Wayne, he is one to watch for this reason. Laura and her band of merry women are beginning to realize that they cannot be the face and voice of pkg. Who really wants to see laura, audra, or Jeremy?
Wayne has the personality and voice to attract the attention of the remaining membership. Wayne is sociable and friendly. Laura is all about character assassination and demonizing all who oppose her.
“IF” Wayne becomes the saving face and voice of pkg, this will become a very real threat to ronnie and company. “IF” this popularity grows it would give Wayne the ability to take it all away from the false and fake prophets and witnesses. However, pkg is in decline and on its way to becoming extinct. The question is, “will the weinlands run the risk of this”? In this game, winner takes all!!
Johnny does not have the sociability aspect and lacks in charismatic speaking. Let’s face it; Johnny is riding the “yankee” gravy train for as long as he can. When pkg implodes, he will still have a following in Georgia and he knows this. However, he has learned about corporations and the collecting of tithes. Johnny gains, Ronnie looses!
This is something that should be watch for further development. Read other comments here.