It still is fascinating to checkout the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association web site and STILL see GTA preaching as if he were alive. A person has to look long and hard to find out the he is no longer alive. He has been dead since September 15, 2003.
Part of the reason the site is till up is that GTA's voice and writings are the bread and butter for Shirley, Ted's living wife and his son Mark. Everyone knows that Mark, their son, is NOT a driving force as his father was. While I am sure Mark is a pleasant guy to be around and a great family man he is not a calling card for the Intercontinental Church of God. Like most of the other COG's, it does not draw in people from the world, but exists because it is made up of old former Worldwide Church of God members who either went with him from his beginning in 1978 or church hopped. With 700 other Church of God splinter personality cults out there, all claiming they carry the true mantle of truth, the Intercontinental Church of God no longer is able to draw in members because of the Armstrong name. Even though they try mightily, undead Ted just cant bring them in any more.
Browsing the ICG web site you will find a section called Church Library. There are no books on religion, spiritually or Jesus there, but there is this:
Stoopid just about says it all!