Living Church of God has been facing a lot of criticism lately among its rank and file members about how LCG worked behind the scenes with Peter Nathan, Steve Elliot and others after they deliberately went against "God's Government" to start their own splinter group of a splinter. Then to compound the problem, they immediately began conspiring to jump ship from their newly formed group into Living Church of God.
Because Nathan conned the churches he was over in Kenya and elsewhere to jump ship with him, these people are now being added to LCG's membership and tithing rolls. That's what it all is really about.
With no time allowed to vet these men as to where they truly stand, they were given positions of leadership in the LCG without blinking an eye.
Peter Nathan is now going to be teaching at Living Church of God's "University." Would you as a parent want your child to be taught by a man who has proven to have no loyalty to any of the groups he was with in the past? His theology has been totally different than LCG's in some areas. If the Church is all about "proper government" then these men have failed miserably! Why does it take someone from OUTSIDE the organization to see that?
Steve Elliot has now been placed over the Southern California LCG churches. It is no wonder many in Southern CA are NOT happy about this situation. LCG HQ doesn't obviously doesn't care.
Moves and Changes for 2014: We plan to make the following changes in assignments for the U.S. Field Ministry during the summer of 2014.Ken Frank– move from Richmond/Norfolk, Virginia to Charlotte to join LU facultyJason Fritts– move from Michigan to Richmond/Norfolk/Winchester as pastorBill Long– becomes Associate Pastor in Michigan and northern IndianaPeter Nathan– joins the LU faculty in CharlotteDan Hall– moves from Dallas, Texas to Atlanta as Regional Pastor for southeastern USAGary Stein– becomes Pastor of Dallas, TexasRodger Bardo– becomes Regional Pastor for Arizona, New Mexico and TexasPhil Sena– move from Austin to pastor congregations in western New York stateRick Stafford– Pastor for Houston, Austin, Temple and Corpus Christi and Regional Pastor for CaribbeanGlen Gilchrist– move from Seattle to Austin, Temple and Corpus Christi as Associate PastorBrandon Fall– move from Sacramento, California to Seattle/Tacoma, Washington as Associate PastorRichard Franz – move from Atlanta to pastor St. Louis, Rolla and Columbia, MissouriJames Sweat– move from Chattanooga to pastor Asheboro, Raleigh and Jacksonville, North CarolinaDarrell Lovelady– move from Los Angeles to pastor Nashville and ChattanoogaStephen Elliott– to pastor southern California congregationsWilner Pierre– move from Charlotte to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as Associate Pastor and also to pastor congregations in the French Caribbean