I find it interesting to watch all these men in the various COG's as they jump from one group to the next keeping their jobs as ministers. Every single one of them never has the balls to step out on their own without first negotiating for the church they want to go to about their jobs.
Those that were in Pasadena saw Kubik, Orchard and others gathering loyal followers around them while still on the WCG payroll. They plotted and schemed behind the backs of their leaders.
Meredith is well known for doing this. While the WCG was fighting his lawsuit that Leona McNair brought against him, Meredith was plotting with various men in Pasadena to form Global Church of God. Then when Raymond McNair plotted to overthrow him, Meredith had his loyal group of men plotting behind the scenes to form Living Church of God.
Gerald Flurry did the same thing. David Hulme did the same thing as did David C Pack.
Recently we watched as David Hulme's ministers plotted behind his back to form Church of God Father's Call. Yet within one month of it forming, Peter Nathan and others were already plotting to move to Living Church of God and United Church of God. Nathan was so slick that he negotiated with Rod Meredith to keep his ministerial titles, secured his housing and is promising to bring into LCG the churches in Kenya he was over while with Hulme
...Peter Nathan said that he expects to be joining Living Church of God as an employed minister as soon as arrangements are finalized. He will be supervising congregations in all Africa and probably teaching at Living University, LCG's college. He hopes to move to LCG and the Charlotte, N.C. area around the end of March and would like to be in Africa for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. Charlotte is the headquarters location for LCG.
Mr. Nathan has been concerned about the Church he pastored in Kenya during his last several years in COGaic. This gives him the opportunity to serve ministers and members in Kenya more effectively (because LCG has certain government permissions in Kenya that COGaic has not had) and at the same time supervise more congregations in the rest of Africa. Peter Nathan Is Goign With Living Church of God
Now we soon many see these men and others jumping from LCG into COGWA and other groups. These men are currently negotiating with other COG's so they can move right over and keep their jobs and salaries as ministers.
Stupidly, the churches are negotiating with them. How many months down the line do we have to wait for yet another group of men to start plotting to jump ship again?
These men have no integrity any more yet members still flock to their sides in these matters of dispute.