Poor Bob. Try as he might he just CANNOT get the ministers in the various COG's to even possibly think about joining up with him when they leave their respective groups.
With the recent defection of Peter Nathan and others from the newly former splinter group of David Hulme's personality cult, Thiel questions their decision.
Despite the best efforts of Bob warning these ministers that they were abandoning God if they went to other groups instead of his, they still went not even looking at Bob's group.
Bob, in his self-righteous pompous glory labels them all Laodicean heretics because they refuse to consider him and his little cult. Only Bob has the true Philadelphia mantle to bear. It's a heavy burden but someone has to do it!
I would have expected that the ministers once in COGaIC would have not jumped into an organization that officially has declared that it defined its organizational uniqueness by its odd falling away position...
I had made a post where I tried to warn Peter Nathan and others about this, but because past interactions (and their past behaviors and/or writings), I had little confidence that those who I had considered to likely have been Laodicean would have sufficiently changed.
Bob wants them to know that they still have a chance to come over to the
Hopefully, they and others will do so before it is too late (Zephaniah 2:1-3). The same goes for those who went to UCG or stayed with COGaIC.I continue to pray that those who truly wish to "contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3) and have the zeal to "let Philadelphia continue" (Hebrews 13:1, semi-literal translation) will be interested enough in fulfilling Matthew 24:14 that they will wish to support the Continuing Church of God. There are still some that were once part of COGaIC that may be moved by God, and may have the humility and courage to do so.