Apostle and prophet James Malm claims to have thousands who follow is legalistic muttering and who are supposedly dedicated to preserving the "truth" as Malm declares it. You would think that if there were thousands out there supporting his legalism that they would be sending in their money. That's not the case. He is in serious financial straights and needs immediate income otherwise his world girdling awesome work will face huge difficulties. Since he does not do any real work and sits in front of his computer or bible all day long; he is reliant upon mooching off of his few followers.
PERSONAL: Our accountant, who volunteers his unpaid services, has just informed me that: “As of now we have $1,091.46 in the account”. We need an average of over $5,000 per month just to meet our monthly expenses and we are also in debt to do this work. We are also now approaching renewals of our web sites in spring, and we need to build funds for the Festivals. We do not have millions like other COG Groups, and operate by faith that God will provide; on an almost daily basis. This means that we are in serious need of your financial support. I know that God will provide, however you have the opportunity to help us continue to share the whole word of God with the brethren.Yes, you can say: “Let someone else do it” and God will still provide; but in doing that, your opportunity to have a part in preparing God’s people and exhorting them back to a passionate loving zeal for God and his word is lost. Please support those who speak the truth of God’s word. James Malm