I have lived within a mile of Bob Jone University for over 20 years. I have had my therapeutic massage practice in the area and have heard just about every story about BJU as I ever heard about the leadership and drama of the Worldwide Church of God . It's all the same. Bob Jones has a large gay community both students and faculty it won't acknowledge and simply can't. It has the same percentage of every kind of human being that ones finds in every group of more than three humans.
I was quietly aware of the Jimmy and Tammy Baker scandal as I had a client on the inside who made the cover of the National Enquirer when the SHTF.
Of late, a local Mega-Church exploded just as I told those who told me I simply needed to meet the Mega Pastor because he was so awesome. When I asked if they had a plan "B" when the SHTF as it will, they scoffed and said it simply could not happen. It did. I knew it would as I had an inside track and could see it coming for a few years. I told someone that they needed to pay attention to the flashing lights when the pastor told the congregation "Brethren, I am a busy pastor and in great demand...I think we need a corporate church jet." They did the shudder under my hands and said, "Why did you say that! He just aquired a jet and it is at the Greenville Downtown airport." I told her to hold on to her butt as he had lost his perspective and that I have been on those jets. I was right.
Nothing in this world and even in the world of mega church pastors or Church of God gurus is what it appears to be. Nothing...
Absolute power corrupts...well you know....