Esoterically Speaking--Confessions of a former Pastor
"Shellie is frequently joined by guests who are experts in their field on a variety of topics of interest. Please check the schedule each week to see what's coming up on Esoterically Speaking.
Today's guest is Dennis Diehl. A pastor for 26 years, Dennis found some discrepancies with interpretations of information in the Bible. What happened next? And what does Dennis now believe?
Having experienced a reckless shift in how a Church chose to change itself, Dennis began to bring to the surface all the theological questions and biblical difficulties that had accumulated over the years of Pastoring. The results are found in his articles and ongoing questions about the part religion plays in our lives and the pious ignorance most sincere Christians and Pastors put up with in their own thinking. As Dennis says, when it's all said and done, sanctified ignorance is still ignorance and it often takes a toll on individuals and congregations.
Dennis is available to anyone or group that might wish to address the fallacies of Fundamentalism, congregational abuse by leadership and the negative effect it has on the human spirit
Callers welcome after all the information have been given. 805 292 0349"